It’s Pancake Day and we intend to celebrate to this delicious occasion by doing what we do best – indulging in lots of scrumptious food! This mouth-watering recipe from the amazing Pixie (@plantbasedpixie) seems like a very good place to start. These scrumptious pancakes are packed with fruity goodness and cooked in coconut oil, making them completely healthy as well as simple, fluffy and irresistible! Let the pancake feast begin!
What you’ll need: 
2 tablespoon chia seeds
8 tablespoon milk, try our UFC Milks
100g apple, peeled and diced
70g buckwheat flour (or gluten-free flour/flour of your choice!) 
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon Cinnamon
½ cup almond milk
Coconut Oil (to cook)


Let’s get started!

  1. Begin by mixing the chia seeds and 8 tablespoons of milk then leave to one side to thicken up
  2. Next, add the apple to a saucepan with a splash of water and cook for approximately 5 minutes. When soft, mash the apple slightly, making sure to leave a few chunks.
  3. Throw all ingredients other than the apple into a food processor and blitz well until the the chia seeds are completely ground up.
  4. Pour your blitzed concoction into a bowl and stir in your cooked apple.
  5. Time to bring in the coconut oil! Melt ¼ teaspoon in a saucepan over a low-medium heat then add 2 tablespoons of your pancake mixture. (To make sure your pancakes are extra fluffy and delicious, don’t spread the mixture out, just cook for at least 2-3 minutes before flipping it over!) Repeat the above steps until all the mixture is gone and you have a large stack of fluffy pancakes.
  6. Top with your favourite jam/ice cream/fresh fruit/coconut syrup or coconut chips then dig in!


See more delicious recipes here!

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