Sweet Potato & Chickpea Pancakes with a Lemon & Tahini Dressing

We think that pancake day might just be one of our favourite dates in the diary this year (apart from World Coconut Day- obviously)! Charley (@charleys_health) has yet again ticked all of our boxes with a savoury pancake recipe that’s to die for. Maybe sweet things just aren’t your game but you still feel like getting in on the Pancake Day action. Maybe you’re one of the very few still sticking to your New Years Resolutions and you’re looking for a guilt-free treat. Or maybe, like us, you just want to be able to have pancakes for dinner and dessert. Whatever the reason may be, one thing that’s for certain is that you can’t go wrong with these positively scrumptious savoury pancakes. Let’s get flipping!
What You’ll Need:

For the sweet potato pancakes:
- 1 cup sweet potato, cooked and mashed
- 1 cup cooked chickpeas
- 3 tablespoons chickpea flour
- A third of a teaspoon curry powder
- A pinch of salt and pepper
- 1 or 2 cloves of garlic
- A pinch of mixed herbs
- Coconut Oil, for frying

For the lemon & tahini dressing:
- 1 tablespoon light tamari
- 1 teaspoon tamari sauce
- Juice of half a lemon
- A clove of garlic, crushed
- A pinch of black pepper

To serve:
- 1 egg per person
- Some rocket
- Pomegranate seeds

Let’s Get Started!

1. First, let’s get that batter going. Add all of your pancake ingredients (aside from the flour!) into a blender and get whizzing until combined. It will be quite thick and chunky at this point.

2. Sift in the flour, give it a stir, and add a little more seasoning if you’re feeling like kicking up the flavour one more notch.

3. Heat your coconut oil in a frying pan, then get a blob of your mixture nicely sizzling once the pan is hot. Flatten with the back of a spoon for that familiar pancake-y shape.

4. Flip your pancakes once they’re crisp and brown on one side. If you’re feeling confident, get as many pancakes as your pan will fit going at once.

5. For a tasty dressing that’s second to none, throw all of the ingredients into a bowl and get mixing – it should be nice and smooth.

6. To serve, pile your pancakes as high as desired. Top with a fried egg, add some rocket and sprinkle some pomegranate for your classiest pancake experience yet. Enjoy – you’ll thank us later!

Anyone for dessert? There’s a bucket load of sweet pancake recipes here.

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